Shariah Compliance, Customer Relationship Marketing, and Loyalty in Islamic Banking: The Role of Customer Satisfaction
This research examines and determines the Influence of Shariah Compliance and Customer Relationship Marketing on Customer Loyalty in Islamic Banks, with Customer Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable. The research population consists of BSI Palu customers. Using a quantitative approach. Research data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SmartPLS Version 4. The sampling method was purposive sampling, with 100 selected respondents. The research findings indicate that Shariah Compliance has a significant positive relationship with Customer Loyalty, Customer Relationship Marketing has a significant positive relationship with Customer Loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction has a significant positive relationship with Customer Loyalty. However, Customer Satisfaction does not moderate the relationship between Shariah Compliance and customer loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction significantly weakens the relationship between Customer Relationship Marketing and customer loyalty.
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